End of July Resolutions Checkup

2012 calendar from Just CalendarEntering the 8th month of 2012 already? Yikes, it really felt like March just a minute ago.

Well, with the end of the month, its time again to take a look at the resolutions that we’d put forth and see about how things are progressing. Here are the items we posted:

  1. An App is Not A Strategy
  2. Specifically Define Mobile in Education
  3. Get Connected to Tech, Mobile, and Mobile Ministry Events
  4. All Books Project and Mobile UX Standards and Raising the Bar on Mobile UX Standards
  5. Become a Digital Faith Advocate

Given the activities and actions of the past month, I can truly say that MMM has been called out on all these specifically. We’re making progress. How are you doing on your resolutions in faith and tech? Anything you’ve had to reset or restart giving how far into the year we are? Or, has the summer/winter months thrown you off a bit and you might be looking for something else to reignite your efforts?