Interviewed on BBC Outriders Podcast, Quoted at Charlotte Viewpoint


I know that the content lately has been leaning heavily on ICCM, as we were recently there. But, what can I say, ICCM seems to have caught the attention of several people from various perspectives of life, faith, and tech.

BBC Outriders Interview

One of those who connected with us because of this was Jamillah Knowles who is the UK editor for The Next Web, but also still contributes to the BBC Outriders podcast that takes a look at the long-tail of the things happening with web and tech. Jamillah asked if I could answer a few questions about the recent ICCM event, as well as get caught up a bit towards what’s happening in faith and technology since the last time MMM appeared on Outriders. Here’s a snippet of what was talked about:

Over the weekend there was a big conference in the US for those who work with technology for the Christian faith. The International Conference on Computing and Mission or ICCM is a way for people to get together and talk about advances and uses for their technical work. And to geek out a little bit. Our friend Antoine Wright was there, he runs the website Mobile Ministry Magazine. We had a chat about technology, religion and the cool things he saw at ICCM.

Check out the entire podcast (BBC Outriders | MMM) and check out the other subjects Outriders covers in other podcast episodes. MMM’s segment appears beginning at the 13:45 mark.

 Ignite Charlotte Inspires Individuals, Community

Quoted in Charlotte Viewpoint

In addition, MMM’s founder (Antoine RJ Wright) was quoted in an article at Charlotte Viewpoint which talked about this past Spring’s Ignite Charlotte talks. I was a presenter at the TED-like event and talked on the notion of using one’s digital devices for more than just the passive activity of reading and consuming.

Wright, who enjoys capturing life’s moments by drawing them on his iPad, talked about using technology as more than just a social networking tool. More specifically, he suggested using computers or internet applications like Instagram as a “catalyst to see our world differently.”

“If we can use the technology to see those things we may become a better participant in the world around us…It’s easy to see the black and white, right and wrong, death, life, somebody [is] born and somebody died. It’s really easy to see those black and white events. It’s another thing when you filter it through color,” Wright said.

Read the rest of Ignite Charlotte Inspires Individuals, Communities at Charlotte Viewpoint

Interview Requests

Are you interested in interviewing MMM for your program about faith and technology, or other matters that are appropriate for your audiences? Get in contact with us and we can make that happen.