Nice Set of Mobile Metrics/Stats from TNS Global, Learn the Present While Crafting the Future

Woke up this morning to see many in the mobile tech world talking about this set of survey results (metrics and stats) from the folks at TNS Global.

What’s best to note about this data is the size and depth of it. There’s not just the usual “how many people could or do” but there’s some inspection into some of the trends of usage that can lead to some future applications. I like how Tomi Ahonen broke this down across some of the major trends, and where the financial opportunities lie for some of the lesser explored areas of mobile. In the near future, its those spaces in which the best prospects for disruptive growth will happen.

Now, I know that for some, it might be a bit far reaching to go beyond the present mobile/connected tech as a means to move the needle forward, but that’s just what we have to do. As I commented on this piece at Church Relevance, mobile apps isn’t the future for how engagement happens, its the now. What you do in the future is going to be in part determined to how you look at the now.

If you want our opinions towards how you should take data like this from TNS and build towards the future, it would simply look like this:

create the spaces where people want to engage their faith as if they were a craftsman: build the tools, create the sandboxes, and lessen the control grips.

There’s nothing too difficult about that. But, identifying the opportunity is why this data is needed.

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