Upgrading Your Smartphone’s IQ

Chances are, if you are reading MMM, you are well past owning and using your first smartphone. And even if you aren’t there are some things that you’ve noticed about using that smartphone that aren’t all that… smart. For example, having to remember to turn off your phone in church is really something that mobiles should do already. But, because they don’t, we’re here to offer some ways in which you can add some intelligence to your smartphone.

For iPhone folks, if you’ve upgraded to iOS6 then you will want to utilize the Do Not Disturb setting for the time period that you are in service. Its not an automatic setting, but passable. For other iOS versions, you pretty much are on your own for turning it off when you are in meetings and such. Other options that you can take advantage of is that of using Notifications to let you know of updates from apps and services instead of using email for those. That way, you leverage the device’s ability to keep you informed, while not filling up your inbox.

For all you Android-toting folks, you will want to use apps like Tasker, Locale, or Sanity in order to create an auto-setting that would automatically stop all sounds, open your Bible app, open a notes app, etc. when you are in church/community gatherings or bible studies. Once you set this up, you will wonder why this isn’t normal. In the same way, you’ve got that notifications drawer at the top of your screen For recent Motorola Droid folks, you can use SmartActions to do the same thing.

BlackBerry users, there are several profile apps which do the auto-setting as described above. These rely usually on having the event in your calendar, and then the phone will adjust itself based on how you’ve programmed it. What’s really neat about the upcoming BlackBerry 10 platform (BB10) and associated devices, this kind of functionality will not just be there, but many of the social and communication apps/services, they’ll plug into the OS and be seamlessly viewable with a gesture.

For Windows Phone users, there’s not an application that does this (that I’ve seen). So like iPhone folks, your smartphone isn’t so smart in this instance. I’m hopeful that Windows Phone 8 will step up in this regard.

For folks like myself who use Nokia’s Symbian platform, the application Situations or (the old BetaLabs app) Bots I would recommend. Situations is like the Android apps in that you can setup situations in which your device adapts itself. Bots is an app that learns that you set your device to quiet/silent at certain times and will literally make your device start doing that itself – without your attention needed.

A device that adapts, or can be progammed to adjust itself to social contexts. Kind of neat when you put it together. And the best part, you end up not spending unnecessary time on your mobile when other situations warrant your attention.

What kind of things have you done to add some intelligence to your mobile? Or, is it smart enough as is.

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  • karl

    My Nokia N900 (uses Maemo) has a timed silencer app which is perfect for all the regular times you want it on silent (Sunday morning for church, etc.)

  • karl

    My Nokia N900 (uses Maemo) has a timed silencer app which is perfect for all the regular times you want it on silent (Sunday morning for church, etc.)