Bending Web’s Intent

If there’s anything that is true about the effect of the Internet (there is a lot that is and isn’t), there’s a bit of a truth that you can bend files and connections a bit more than you had before. And when you do, the possibilities are pretty amazing.

For example, if you are a fan of website, web app, and mobile/tablet app design, there’s something really interesting that’s taken place with the design of the Guardian iPad app. Yea, there’s the obligitory discussion about making sure that you are paying attention to reading on a tablet, versus reading paper, versus reading on a smaller-screened mobile. But, there’s also this attention paid to “how” an article is put together in those different reading frames, and redesigning the production not just what the person consumes at the end. Bending, not necessarly reinventing.

Then there’s a semi-project that I’m getting back towards. After not having a mobile web server on my mobile device(s) for sometime, I’ve managed to put back onto it a PAMP setup that I am augmenting with TiddlyWiki. Essentially, I’m looking to reset some of the web-docs that I’ve been doing to a more wiki-like site, and then leverage the web services that I can connect to my device (Dropbox, ifttt, etc.) to share and collaborate with others. this isn’t a public-facing server, but does allow for some interesting explorations in HTML as a starter for documents. Again, bending, not exactly reinventing.

These are just two of the ideas happening. If we are going to be in this domain, then it makes sense to experiment with ideas that bend further. Are you or your organization bending the web beyond conventional means and methods? If so, and its shareable, what are you learning new?