Mobile Web Problems

Mobile web users denied an experience

While the message that comes from MMM and others is that you should consider that someone might come to your website or web properties via a mobile device, we don’t always highlight the challenges that could result from doing so. Consider this a bit of a move to reconcile that.

Brad Frost is a very famous UI/UX designer, and has done considerable work making it possible for many in the mobile/mobile web/mobile app space to make sense of what’s going on. He’s recently put up a post titled Mobile Web Problems and How to Avoid Them that should sit as your go-to-guide for mobile web and mobile app development. Here’s a snippet:

the problem
Being denied access to an experience is easily the biggest problem mobile web users face. They come to websites on their mobile devices looking for information, looking to solve problems, looking to complete tasks, looking for answers. And they don’t get it. That’s a huge issue.

Read the rest of Mobile Web Problems and How to Avoid Them at Brad Frost’s website

There are a ton of these which aren’t just familiar to church and ministry sites, but even copied as if they are best practices. What are some of the mobile web problems you’ve seen?

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