Resolutions Checkup for March ’13

march 2013 calendar 1

February has that tendency to move oh-so-fast. And even then, its one of those months that can just roll past without so much of a peep. Still, we’ve been able to see some progress on our resolutions:

  1. Explain, emphasize, and demonstrate the theological underpinnings to mobile ministry
  2. Detail and expand on knowledge of Non-English Language/Cultural expressions of mobile ministry
  3. Increase number of and collaboration with ministry partners
  4. Refine and release v2 of the Mobile Ministry Methodology
  5. Embed Mobile, Not Mobile As Layer

For the first one, the work getting ready for a summer course that we are teaching and the Digital Literacy Project are making some ways forward there. I’ll have to push better on number 2, but a late addition of the Bible app Web Evangelismo (Android and iOS) is a good sign. An upcoming meeting with some folks from the MMF later this month will be a better gage towards number 3. Number 4 will take some time – purposely. And the last one, well, you’ll just have to wait and see 😉

How are you doing with your resolutions? We are three months into things, hopefully you are also making some decent progress.