Quickie on QR Codes in Ministry

MMM logo with QR Code to RSS feed
Its probably not great taste to keep turning emails into content, but this is another one of those cases where it just makes sense. Especially if you are interested in using QR Codes in ministry.

QR Codes in Ministry

QR Codes have been used for more than a decade in Japan and SK. Essentially, its an old technology now, as much so that even many on the side of ministry and tech have essentially moved past simply using QR codes and integrating them into fuller, mixed media efforts.
We’ve published several articles on the subject. As for a getting started guide, there aren’t any – you can go to several websites to create QR codes such as Mobile Barcodes, Kaywa, and even Google. From there, implementation takes on whatever makes sense for your organization.

As for applications of it, there’s been QR codes used in tracts, business cards/flyers,cover art and bulletins, and even bibles. If you are doing to do something useful with it, make it distinct, and do more than simply point to a link. The effects of these kinds of augmented digital expereinces tend to have effects beyond what we design.

To that end, we enjoy working with QR codes and other trans-meta media tech. There’s always a neat conversation that develops when we are able to instigate different behaviors by the way we use mobile tech.