CoM (Carnival of the Mobilists)

Just about every week, there is a collage of mobile writings called the Carnival of the Mobilists (CoM) which features some non-mainstream but not far from the norm writings. In the latest Carnival at Tego Interactive (@tegointeractive), MMM’s piece Communting != Mobility is included along with a few others that should get you thinking and considering a bit more the implications of your mobile ministry efforts.

Per the usual instructions, grab a cup of coffee or tea and a nice place to read and take in the 279th Carnival of the Mobilists at Tego Interactive.

If you have writings that should be considered by a future host of the CoM, do follow the instructions at the CoM website. If you read someone who should have something included, poke them with a note that you’d like to see their writings featured and give them the link as well. If anything, that will at least spead some of the goodwill and insight that others so frequently find in this space.