Digital Citizenship

digital citizenship graph
Found this on the web recently, which got me thinking a bit more about the kind of bar towards computing that’s being taught to kids and those new to digital environments – and therefore sitting also as expected knowledge to those of us within this space:

Do you use the internet to share information about yourself or others, communicate with friends, comment on what you see online, play games, get material for an assignment or buy stuff online? If you answered YES to any of these, you are a digital citizen.

Why is digital citizenship important?  Do you want to get the best out of using the internet and keep yourself and others safe and healthy in an online world? Use these materials to learn what it takes to become a positive digital citizen.

This seems to be a curriculum for schools to use when modeling digital citizenship to kids (in the K thru 6th grade age range). And at least on review, looks to at give some direction towards how not just to teach about what computer tech tools can do, but offer some means to speak on the responsibility towards them.

It goes back to that same picture of digital wisdom that we keep poking at: its not enough to promote the use of a tool, but do you also promote what healthly versus unhealthy uses look like?

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