Internet Evangelism Day Is Sunday 29 April

internet evangelism day calendar[Release from Internet Evangelism Day] Internet Evangelism Day is April 29. Here’s some of what you can look forward to on that day from the Internet Evangelism Day website:

A Changed World
The digital world has changed remarkably in the last year or two. Although a part of Internet Evangelism Day’s emphasis has always been to mobilize individual Christians into digital evangelism, until recently the options we could suggest were quite limited. Writers might be drawn to blogging, or create a website if they felt technically competent. Those good at thinking on their feet could share in chat rooms and bulletin boards. But most of these suggestions were time-intensive and intentional initiatives only suitable for a small minority.

What has changed? The emergence of the ‘three-fold cord’ of social networking allied with video shorts and mobile phones. At last it has become remarkably easy for any Jesus-follower to build relationships and discuss truth appropriately, especially within social networking platforms. Our digital communication culture has become highly visual and dialogue-based, and the sharing of conversation-starting video shorts on Facebook and Twitter is as easy as a mouse-click, though only if we know where to find them. Read this article in full.

Phone Apps
There are now a few smartphone apps that are genuinely aimed at outsiders, that can be shared one-to-one or in a small discussion group. UK team Damaris has just released a strategic iPhone app called Talking About Jesus (Android version coming soon). Read more about the Talking About Jesus app.

Curation allows anyone to create a very visual set of curated recommendations, within their own chosen areas of interest, with no tech knowledge needed. Read more about Curation w/Pinterest

Books and Giveaways
Like last year, we’ll be offering normally pay-for evangelism/communication ebooks free on IE Day, plus the chance to win others.

For more information/Contact
For radio or telephone interview with an IE Day representative in US, Canada, Australia or UK, see contact details.

With 2.3 billion people online and 4 billion mobile phone users, including increasing numbers in the Majority World, the opportunities are ever expanding!