Carnival of the Mobilists No. 256 at theFonecast

Carnival of the Mobilists logo2012 brings back the Carnival of the Mobilists in a weekly format, and that should get back to some persistent and mind-stretching writing about mobile devices, the mobile industry, and mobile innovations.

MMM has been included within the first slate of posts for 2012’s entries for the Carnival of the Mobilists (#256 being hosting at theFronecast) – our 2012 resolution on mobiles in education being highlighted with the other entries. There are enough entries for this week to keep you reading for a few sesssions. I’d certainly recommend that you do set aside the time to read the thoguhts from the contributors to the Carnival of the Mobilists each week. In addition to getting that opt-ed viewpoint of those things mobile, you’d also get a better handle on the opportunities in mobile which can be an entry point for your mobile ministry endeavors.

So, grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy this week’s reads at theFonecast.

If you would like your posts to be considered for inclusion within the Carnival of the Mobilists, follow the instructions and just wait for the notification that your post as been accepted. Once you have submitted and been included three (3) times, you can submit to be a Carnival host – which is a great way to get some addition eyeballs to your website’s content and mission. So consider it, and see what happens.