Vision: Bible. Verse. QR Code.

MMM logo with QR Code to RSS feedAlways nice to see others putting together various experiments and implementations of edge-case technologies. This one, from the folks at Church Mag is taking the idea of QR Codes, and mapping some interactive and sharing elements to it. Here’s a snippet of the experiment:

A thought popped into my head:

Bible. Verse. QR. Codes.

This might actually be a good idea. There are Bible verses on posters and t-shirts and bracelets; why not QR codes? I reach for my Bible, and select a few verses. I make a few codes, planning to show them to some friends, and think no more about it.

But God has bigger plans for this project. The seed had been planted.

Read the rest of this at Church Mag, and share your experiences with this QR tract experiment.