Rash of Upcoming Events

google calendar iconGot a rash of items on the plate in the coming months which might pique your interest. These have been (and will be continue to be) talked about on Twitter (@mobileminmag), but here they are for a quick and overall look for you.

Upcoming Presentations

Hackerspace Charlotte Presenation: ‘Minutes to Money – How Africa hacked the cellphone and evaded the CC Cartel’
Oct 25 8-9PM, Hackerspace Charlotte 430 E 36th St Charlotte, NC
Abstract: Discussing the effect of mobile money transfers in Kenya/Tanzania future trends in mobile money transfer

The Geek Fest Presentation: ‘From the Toilet to the Pulpit: The Embrace of Mobile Technology in Faith Circles’
Nov 10 3:45-4:45PM, CPCC Levine Campus, Matthews, NC
Abstract: It is well understood that nearly everyone has a mobile device. It’s also becoming commonplace to see mobile devices used everywhere – to the point that its no longer taboo for people to be found in restrooms using mobile devices. Another area of life that mobile has been quickly finding itself is in religious circles. Starting with Bible applications, mobile in faith circles has moved to educational and media industries to co-bolster those efforts. This talk will describe some of those efforts and how religion becomes the next private place where technology shifts major behaviors.

Call2All Conference ($$)
Nov 29 – Dec 4, Long Beach (LA), California
For more information and to register, visit http://call2all.org
Still hoping to be able to attend this; might not be able to nail doing a presentation though.

Mobile Ministry Forum Consultation 2011 ($$)
December 11-13, 2011, JAARS Offices, Waxhaw, NC
For more information and to register, visit http://mobileministryforum.org

ICCM-Europe ($$)
Feb 8-12, 2010, ‘de Betteld’, Netherlands
For more information and to register, visit http://www.iccm-europe.org/
Hoping to be able to get here as well; sponsorship opportunities available below paragraph at end of this article)

Other Attending Events
BarCamp Charlotte Oct 22nd http://barcampclt.org
Mobile Apps A-Z Oct 27th http://meetu.ps/4CF9l
Responsive Web Design Oct 26th http://meetu.ps/4lC8b

Again, announcements about these hit Twitter first, so stay tuned to use there (@mobileminmag) either via their website or using either of our mobile apps (Nokia/Symbian and Android). Many of the Charlotte (local) events can also be seen via Meetup; as life extends some grace we’ll make local fit into a few more areas.

And to be straightforward, if its possible for to get somewhere to present, and the costs work out (prep and followup are big time sinks), we’ll get there. If you would like for us to share our experience and knowledge and budget is an issue, contact us anyways – faith gets stretched a lot (sometimes more than other times). That’s just the reality of things at this point.

Sponsoring MMM for Conferences/Speaking
If you/your company would like to sponsor MMM for conferences/speaking engagements (this is different than contracting for training or consulting services), get in contact with us so that we can hash out those details and get coverage and insight towards that event that might not be heard/read elsewhere.