Using Mobile to Express that Creative Breath

Fruit and Tilt - Share on OviIn Genesis 1, we read that God created man and woman out of the dust of the ground. He formed them in His image, shaping the dust that had been wet with mist, and then breathed into the shapes His Spirit. Not exactly a weekend project, but something that should make us smile when we watch children manipulate their environment to look like things they are familiar with or even vestiges of their perceptions of themselves.

Its sometimes harder to take the time to do such creativity as adults. I don’t just mean fine arts, music, dance and such. I mean even taking a project like painting a bedroom and making it soothing more than just “colorful enough to be tolerable in a few years time.” I’ve found though that if I’m intentional enough, I can make a creative event out of nearly anything – especially when my mobile is involved.

So here’s a question or direction for your weekend: take your mobile and express some of that creative breath that was given to you by God. Go somewhere and use your ears, eyes, mouth, nose, or touch and realize something that you’d not seen before – and then let your mobile become the canvas for it. You’ve seen the art we’vve put on posts here – go there and futher.

Embrace that ability God gave you to create something – be the mist of life in the midst of something new this weekend.