Mobile Advance Presents Mobile Ministry Article Dataset

Over at Mobile Advance, a pretty wide/deep collection of articles from around the Internet have been pulled together into a spreadsheet and made available for review and analysis for those interested in those topics related to mobile ministry. If you’ve been a long-time reader of MMM (either the site or social networking) you’ll recognize many of the references in here. Here’s a snippet from the post at Mobile Advance:

…In order to try and help to prevent that I have collected the resources identified in my research in the past year put together a “database” of 1400 articles/webpages/ videos/guides/etc. that I or others have identified as being pertinent and helpful for mobile ministry. These resources come from fields like information technology, international development, social/political activism, health, journalism, entertainment media and others that are working to confront the shift and harness the power of the mobile revolution. Their learning can help empower our innovation in mobile ministry and prevent countless hours trying to come up with solutions for problems that have already been addressed elsewhere…

Access this dataset via Google Docs.

See Also Our Curated Resources: