Without An Office Are You Without Focus

Morning Moments in Mount Hermon - Share on OviFor the past year, I’ve essentially used coffeeshops all over NC, VA, PA, as well as my car seat and several residences as office places. And for the most part its been a good challenge to have a consistent routine no matter where I plant myself for an “office” moment. That said, it took a little while for me to get out of the mindset that I had to have “an office” as much as I just needed to make sure that I had enough space in the day to get done internal, collaborative, and community tasks.

To that degree, mobile has been a great enabler of “office anywhere.” I’m only limited by whatever software I have on the device(s) that I choose to carry and the amount of power that device has. I’m pretty much at the point now where working anywhere is a matter of discipline not technology.

That said, I’ve got a question to many of you whom are pastors, missionaries, etc. who might be grappling with that decision for having an office to do “ministry” and “admin” work? If you’ve got the laptop, mobile, and software to work anywhere, what stops you from making anywhere your office? Is it a matter of the office environment being needed so that you can focus better, or, is it a fear of letting go of previous accompaninments that might not be helping you to do ministry or admin at all?