Stepping out in Faith

Mobility. How often do we think about this word? What does it mean to us really? Oh sure, we want our phones to go with us, and to be ready to do what we tell them to do at all times. How often however, do we make ourselves mobile to God? How often do we move out of our comfort zone?

I was thinking about Jesus the other day and what it really would be like to be him. Compassionate, sure. Slow to anger, need to work on. On the mobility side, how mobile am I? Have I tucked myself safe into my church, where I know I am always plugged into the word of God? Have I surrounded myself only with people who know the word of God and will encourage me when I feel insecure?

Or? Am I willing to take a step outside of that? Am I willing to step away from the battery charger called the church? Am I willing to step outside of what I know and into the unknown? It is easy to have faith when the unknown is only a few steps away.

Paul went from Church to Church and I liken this as him recharging his batteries. He was refilling his emotional tank just as much as he was filling theirs. He would sometimes go months or years without talking to the same people, but he had faith, faith that they would remain the same character. He believed they would grow in Christ while holding to the same personalities he grew to know and love.

How long can our own batteries last? As a young believer, not long. As a more mature follower, hopefully much longer. I may just be talking to myself here (and that would not surprise me), but I saw a challenge of stepping out of the comfort of my church pews where I am encouraged when down. I saw a challenge of stepping away from the charger and not looking at the battery until it beeped.

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  • This is so close to thoughts I had on the plane @mscaffeinejunky that it ain’t even funny. Great post. Off to deplete and recharge the batteries.

  • This is so close to thoughts I had on the plane @mscaffeinejunky that it ain’t even funny. Great post. Off to deplete and recharge the batteries.