Sketchnote: Mobile Ministry Mindmap

Mobile Ministry Sketchnote Mindmap - Share on OviTaking some of the lessons learned over the past few sketchnotes, here is one that I did recently which is representative of how I see mobile ministry and how it spokes into it’s relevant contexts.

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A few notes about what you are looking at:

  • The middle of this is mobile (in) ministry instead of taking the higher level look at mobile. As can be shown in the detail. this was a good idea for a hand-drawing. You will need our definition of mobile ministry in order for this to make the most sense.
  • Mobile is made of three layers: devices, services, and experiences. And therefore, for each identified area of mobile (the six we’ve noted), this breaks out the relevant devices, services, and experiences contexts for each
  • There is some color variation on this for readability’s sake, but its also drawn to be looked at from a zoomed-out perspective so that the main points stick, and the not-so-main items look like a thin film or web from those items

Lastly, this is simply my brain conceptualizing much of what has been learned and what’s been posted here over the years. By no means is it an exhaustive reference (though its close).

In my opinion, this would be better served as an interactive Visio or Flash sheet that can be populated and made a bit more like a wiki than simply an image. That said, it looks great to zoom in and out of Adobe Ideas (used to create this) to see areas become clearer as you dive deeper.

There’s a lot of information here. What might be some thoughts you have about some of the ‘pods’ or areas mentioned on here? What might you move or add? Did anything surprise you? Let’s discuss 🙂

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