Tackling that Resolution to Read the Bible

screenshot of YouVersionOf the many resolutions that is heard every year, the one to read through the entire Bible seems to be one that starts off strong, but rarely makes it out of the first month. I’m sure that many of you who have started reading plans are finding your swing right now, but that there might be others who just don’t know where to begin.

Thankfully, there is no such thing as starting a reading plan too late and the folks over at YouVersion have recommended a few starting points over on their blog.

If you have done a reading plan before, and are embarking on another, what are some ways that you have been able to maintin a solid pace? What are some of the challenges others should look out for?

If you haven’t done a reading plan before, this is a good time to start one. Download a Bible for your mobile or web connected device and share your reading goals.