Got a New Mobile, What’s Next?

Motorola Citrus Unboxing Pics - Share on Ovi With the holiday season here and in full swing, there have been many deals out there for mobile devices of all kinds. I’ve seen everything from high-end smart phones being sold for almost nothing (with a contract) to netbooks and iPads going for almost $100 USD less than their normal prices.

In that respect, I’m sure that there are many people who are now owners of new or updated devices. Which then brings with life the next question – what do you do with that new mobile after you’ve now made this purchase?

There’s always the practice of setting some time aside to learn about the device some. Some people are even stalwarts and read the entire manual throughly with the device in hand.

There are those folks whom already know their device and get to the point of download applications and setting up their device(s) to access various services. Just be sure to get your Bible on there as well.

There are a few people that I know of personally whom are going the route of skipping all of the learning, adding applications, etc. and going straight to communicating. They have been firing off SMS/emails since they received their device – and will only learn things like “how to take a call” when they come to those situations.

Its really interesting, and in some respects speaks to our reasons behind purchasing a mobile device. Many times it is just about efficiency in communication, and we just want to get there. Other times it is about “that new shiny toy.” But for whatever reason, there’s a goal you have in mind when you purchased (or will purchase) a new device this season. What might be the next steps for you? Or, what are you most looking forward to with that new device if you’ve not yet purchased it?