Intentions to Sustain and Expand

A few folks, via Twitter and otherwise, have said that for while they like MMM, they are rarely able to get into a place where mobile is anything more than a thread for them to keep current with immediate relationships and community. If there was a way to move past that sustaining lifestyle, they would at least try to do it more often.

What does expanding your use of mobile beyond sustaining existing connections then look like? Sure, it could end up being an initiative like MMM, but more realistic to time availability and life what could mobile as an expansion of your spiritual communities look like?

I’d like to think that the first thing you want to do is be settled in your heart about your intentions with and behind any technology you have. This means letting go of the coveting of the shiny and new things and appreciating to the point of becoming a master to what’s in your hand. This also extends some to tinkering that static device or system. You want to explore, and let those explorations lean towards learning, but you also want to not do it for the sake of scratching an itch. Have a goal in mind, and lean your tweaking towards those lessons.

You then want to put priorities around what’s possible. One brother has a new little one and not afford at this time to be out and about unless its for food for the wife and kids. So, expanding for him has to happen in those solo devotional times in the car, or those chance conversations in the line at the supermarket. The technology plays a thread here to extend those interactions into that anywhere space – but only where it cannot intrude on current obligations.

You’ll then want to try and find like-minded folks. Yes, that’s hard. It is still possible. place yourself in areas of your communities where you enjoy and there is potential interactions with others. Some folks call this finding your way to the local well. Get around those places where you can do something you enjoy doing, but puts you in the paths where others are living or being sustained for life. Then, be responsive to the Spirit towards every conversation, every interaction you get around that. And like the other perspectives, use tech as a thread where its possible and Spirit-leading to keep that connection.

I don’t think that it is impossible to expand one’s life and use of this tech in our communities. Personally, I prefer to find new things to do and allow life to just happen (just last night was at a Culture of Japan event). Then again, I’m unmarried w/o kids, I’ve got a bit more freedom to move around than some. The hope is to find those cracks in your life where you can get some light in, and breathe (even if for a minute) a bit differently.

So, that all being said, what are some ways that you’ve found it easy or hard to sustain or expand your spiritual life where tech has played a part?

  • Within the roll of becoming mobile I have found it to be of extreme help in
    my everyday. I listen to my daily bible readings, I no longer call my bank to verify account balances, when my car battery died on Monday, I used my phone to find the nearest place to recharge the battery for free. This once foreign idea of doing things from my phone had more than made my life much easier than I ever hoped.

  • Everyday I am discovering that I am using my tech in ways I have never thought and this is only street having this tech available to me for less than six weeks! I am amazed at my own adaptability and now growing reliance on something that is really making a significant change in my everyday life…and for now it seems for the better. I am particularly enjoying my daily Noble readings (I use Cross Bible) I now am beginning a Gap year program using all digital platform and being 99.999% green. In this green class room my hopes is to infuse the digital with the daily and encourage e-learning using this tech. I see great possibilities and great achievementd for those willing to experiment and grow this into something truly great.

  • Please excuse the typos…swyping still causes many mistakes…lol but I am entering my reply from my phone…;p Embrace this technology and we will soon see a rapid change in everything that we do.