Accurately Discerning the Word

One of the conversations had earlier this week also noted an aspect of mobility and constant access that speaks into other areas. The the subject in that part of the conversation had to do with the issue of how to verify that the things being read online are true enough to build a stable doctrinal foundation.

Thursday night, this topic came up again as some brothers were talking about 2 Timothy 2, and the impression by Paul on Timothy to not just strive for an understanding in all things (v.7), but to not let that understanding lead you into arguments over vain and profane topics (v.16). As we talked about the characteristics of a conversation what is mature, this sub-topic of exactly “how” to study to become acccurate in doctrine (v.15).

As technologists and students of the Word, it is very easy to get into “I use this application to study because it offers this and that feature.” I’d like to mature that question by asking the very pointed question:

If you have been using digital biblical study aides for an extended amount of time; what have you learned about digital resources and the content offered which enables you to discern those things profitable from those things heretical?

This is a tough question for some, because the challenge isn’t just to say “I know because the Spirit told me so.” The burden of proof is on how you take whatever topic or area of Scripture you are studying and how this relates to the previously held and disputed contentions about that item over the course of Judeao-Christian history. Ideally, the “how you discern” comes from such attention. I’d like to know what that looks like, based on usage of digital resources and the experiences within ministry you’ve had.

And if you’ve not quite figured out the “how” just yet, but looking to do so, comment towards what exactly you are having trouble with, or what specific challenges you might be having relating the availability of information, the expanse of it, and then that undertaking of reading the right things.

Looking forward to your comments on this one.