Bible By Mobile, in Audio

Of the conversations that get engaged with around connecting with people about MMM, one of the areas is that of making Biblical content available to people in areas where a internet or broadband infrastructure is not as stable or prevalent. In these cases, its recommended to resort to the simple and addressable means of sharing content – by hand and audio.

A notable effort in this area has been with the Bihar Bible Stories project. With this project, the Bible has been translated into eight (8) indigenous languages (to the Indian region) and made available in two types of downloads: MP4 (cellular) and near-CD quality audio files. Now, because the infrastructure to these groups isn’t always suitable to downloading over a cellular or even laptop connection, what ends up happening is that persons who do get access to the files download the Bible(s) to their mobile device’s memory card, and then pass the memory card – or the mobile – to another person for them to copy the files, and then pass the Bible to one another.

We talked once before about making available a Bible you can hear, and this is one of many initiatives that are in play to make available the Scriptures and Christ-affirming content in areas where the environment doesn’t make it easy to share.

What are some other methods you’ve seen the Bible and biblical content being shared where there was no access to the Internet, or even traditional media streams such as TV and radio? Do you see other opportunities for mobile to lend a hand in sharing the faith or education in it?

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  • Diego Gray

    mobile devices will feature more and more useful features in the next following years*’: