The Mobile Movement

MMM is not the only organization understanding the benefits of the story behind and through mobile technology. A new connection point and partnership called The Mobile Movement has recently been formed to also extend this idea of understanding mobile beyond marketing and technology. Here’s a statement from their website towards the vision and mission:

The Mobile Movement was created as an organizing force around a force of nature called collective compassion. Now that we have done the hard work of building global connectivity, and are placing communications devices into the hands of billions, we commence the work of finding usefulness and meaning through applications that can help improve, extend and even save lives. Mobility has many meanings, but in our case mobility is all ABOUT movement – upward, outward and beyond traditional limitations. Mobility is about innovation, and constant creation – and while our vision is vast, we make real things work for real people through simple, socially driven applications provided at no cost to non-profits, helping them reach more people with information – services – and stories of hope that can inspire “perfect strangers” to acts of kindness and courage.

Lot’s of good work can happen with The Mobile Movement. Check out their website for more information and to connect with this movement of mobile proportions.

Via MSearchGroove

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