Configring the MMM Work Environment

It’s going to be an adventure.

At least that’s how I feel in gearing up for this coming Monday being the day of full-time MMM work. I’ve not found the workstation/tablet, but I’ve got tasks and will be noting items to be done.

There will be some using of the region as the “office.” And probably some adjustments with the idea of using the Nokia N800 as a second, interactive monitor. It will be different, and fun.

Who knew that God could setup some neat moments like these?

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  • Maybe sometimes the adventure is designed to change a bit at this point. Today I purchased an iPad to replace the N800 and be the bigger consumption and reading device to assist with tasks related to getting up good content here and expressing a kind of mobile living that’s just not done on this side of things.

    As usual, these experiments cost something to start with, but end up a nice lesson from MMM to those watching. So stay tuned, things are always different here 😉

  • The iPad is a great tool. Though, I have to admit I do miss my N900 at times, but that is mainly for the raw power the Linux roots of Maemo. If the iPad had a terminal app out of the box, I think I would be a little happier.

  • The raw power of all the Maem devices is something to behold. I think though that the N900 would have been better with a larger screen. After 4-5in, apps get really interesting w/touch and gestures.