Reminder to Join Us at BibleTech 2010

Just a reminder that you can meet up with Mobile Ministry Magazine (MMM) and many other bloggers, ministers, teachers, and organizations from all over the world at this year’sBibleTech Conference. There are tons of topics being covered over the two day event, and if anything like last year the backchat (Twitter, Facebook, and in the hallways) will be just as engaging.

This year, MMM’s topic will be Mobile’s Christ-Led Encounters (last year’s was calledMobile Technology and Connecting Communities) . Here’s the presentation abstract/summary:

Mobile has now taken hold as a main fixture within the regular consciousness of most mainstream technical thought. From sociology to psychology, transportation to entertainment, Facebook to the Good Book, mobile is now at the tip of every tongue in being that next great area of opportunity, engagement, division, and law. Still a new media, mobile suffers from the same growing pains centering around the question: “what’s its relevance?” Through the Body of Christ, we can point to some examples of mobile taking root in engagement, evangelistic, and opportunistic measures. We will look at some of these areas as a means to describe what has happened, but also in light of what can still be explored with mobile. It is from this lens that we can engage audiences towards utilizing their mobiles-in-hand as a handshake to open the door for an engaging Christ-encounter.

Hopefully, that has you a bit excited towards what’s to come – and not just from MMM. Be sure to register and get your hotel reserved as soon as possible. There’s a conference discount for the room, and you don’t need to worry about food. It will be in San Jose this year, and so we might get more than the 20min of sun we saw last year 😉

Looking forward to reconnecting with many of you, and seeing some others for the first time in person. But, don’t let conferences be the only time you choose to connect with MMM. We are on Twitter, engage the local Charlotte, NC community with Digital Disciples, and are available for other presentations and engagements through Inner-Linked. Suffice to say, we’re mobile – and at BibleTech, you’ll hear more about this mobile lens and how you can respond to it. See you there!