Setting an Effective Mobile Strategy

Setting up and executing an effective mobile strategy is something that comes up a lot when at conferences or during engagements with various (and prospective) clients. The easy thing to say about that is that you have to have a mobile strategy (speaking solely in terms of faith-based endeavors). Its not an issue of if you will need it, but that you do and need to go about it with much clearer planning an your internet strategy.

Now, without giving away too much of what allows Inner-Linked to survive 😉 I will let you in on a few things that you should be mindful of when thinking about “going mobile” on an organizational level.

  • First, understand that mobile is just a window into interaction, not the only door, and should definitely not be the last door. Its a handshake, treat it as such.
  • SMS is more effective than a website; so don’t get caught up in mobile web and applications, yet
  • Do take advantage of mobile learning via apps and websites already created for mobile use (for example, YouVersion Live)
  • Finally, just try something; mobile is still too new to say that everything won’t work. So try something, learn from it, and move to the next door/handshake.

Much like the Mayo Clinic is finding out, you need to have and think hard about a strategy before moving forward. But you have to move, its part of the commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and its the present and future.