Bible App for Maemo 5 Discussion

Image: Nokia N900, via Nokia Conversations

Over at Talk.Maemo, I opened a discussion asking a few questions about a potential Bible application for the new N900 and other Mameo 5 devices. What I’m more interested in is creating momentum for the application than anything else, and from there, this community and others can be a point of reference for use-cases, testers, and developers who’d build something solid. Here’s the questions posed at that thread:

  • Is there anyone working on [developing] one? If so, I’d be up to assist in testing, UI, etc).
  • If there isn’t one under development, would this kind of application be useful and if so what features rank highest?
  • If not a Bible application specifically, would a browser-extension that works with a Bible-based website be a suitable development target?
  • What are some of the positives and negatives of Bible applications for Maemo 5 devices (pick the perspective that’s relevant to you to speak towards)?

Hopefully, there can be something of some direction gained towards that effort and then developers and testers alike could move forward towards something of benefit for the Body and of highlight to the platform – can you imagine a Bible application being something that exploits the best nature of the platform and then profiled by the manufacturer? I can 😉

Add your thoughts here or the thread at Talk.Maemo.