Focusing on Effectiveness not Profitbility

Church Crunch made a great point last week in a post highlighting one area in web/mobile where the Body doesn’t have to look at things the way other industries do – the idea of competition.

In the church, since the challenge is giving everyone the same message, the struggle doesn’t come in numbers or profitability, but in effectiveness of the message. And due to the nature of Christianity, putting down those vices of pride, ego, lust, covetiousness, etc., means that we can simply focus on what matters most, making sure that people get the message of Christ as clearly and efficiently as possible.

Never had I read something that made me feel so calm and at peace about how MMM is positioned, and at the same time challenges the very core of why web/mobile effectiveness is at the core of what we talk about here. Challenging to the internals, but such a fruitful endeavor.