Daily Archives: April 23, 2012

Desknots and the 7 Deadly Myths of Mobile

Caught both of these last week while taking in some of the tweets happening during the Breaking Development Conference (#bdconf). I’ll let the quotes and full articles pretty much speak for themselves:

Desknots are connected devices that present alternative contexts and form factors for non-desktop computing… Desknots aren’t (necessarily) mobile. Desknots aren’t (necessarily) wireless. Desknots aren’t (necessarily) personal. Every category of desknot has contexts, form factor, use cases, and usability considerations that are very different from the desktop. It’s useful to have a term that suggests: “hey, it’s not just about the desktop…

Read the rest of Desknots at Global Moxie – would you agree with the term?

In light of desknots, there’s also this reclarifying about what mobile is and isn’t. Here’s a listing of some mobile myths from Josh Clark which break this down:

  • mobile myth #1: users are on the go and rushed
  • myth #2: mobile = less
  • myth #3: complexity is a dirty word
  • myth #4: extra taps and clicks are evil
  • myth #5: you gotta have a mobile website
  • myth #6: mobile is about apps
  • myth #7: cms & api are for database nerds

I’d recommend reading in detail why Josh Clark calls this myths on the full post at his website. At the moment, I’min agreement with all but one of them (go ahead guess that one).

How do these perspective fall inline with your existing thoughts about mobile? Do you gain clarity, or is there a muddling of definitions?